Give up?
Over at Kelly's Korner each Friday she features a "Show Us Your Life...." post and today it's about marriage proposals. This is the first time I've participated, but when thinking about it, I realized that many of you probably don't know how B proposed either, so I thought I'd share.
It was Valentine's Day, 2003, and I was at work. Since B had to work later in the day, he was supposed to come meet me for lunch. He called about half an hour before we were supposed to meet and told me to just come home instead. I didn't want to do that and argued with him but somehow he finally convinced me that it would be easier that way.
I arrived home to find all of the blinds closed (which he KNOWS I can't stand) and when I walked inside, it was dark. Our bedroom door was closed (you have to understand that we lived in a one bedroom apartment, but it was VERY small) and B was nowhere to be found. Sitting on the kitchen counter was a HUGE stuffed dog holding a card. The envelope said, "Read me first, then turn around." I don't know why I didn't cheat, but I didn't. I also couldn't see the point in turning around since all that was behind me was the door I'd just come in. ODD!
I read the card (it was mush and lovey but I have NO idea what it said after what happened next....) and then turned around. Written on our metal door, in magnetic letters, were the words, "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
I couldn't believe it! It was SOOO unexpected! Okay.... It wasn't unexpected that he'd propose, but the timing was completely unexpected. Apparently the fact that he'd just gotten a really solid job convinced him that the time was right and that he was finally ready. Thank goodness!
Anyhow... Shaking, I walked to the bedroom door, knowing that he MUST be in there since there really was nowhere else he could be, and went inside. B was there waiting to embrace me and waiting for an answer. Of course I said yes!
The bummer thing? We both had to go to work right after the proposal. We didn't get to spend time enjoying the newness of our engagement until the next day, but it was still fun!
As a side note... When I called my mom to tell her I said, "Guess what I got for Valentine's Day..." After she responded I said, "A proposal."
There was silence for a few seconds and then she said, "OH! Did you want one?" I was shocked. She KNEW I wanted one, and my parents both really liked B, so I couldn't figure out why she sounded so stunned. Then she said, "I got one once. It was a German Shorthair."
She'd thought I said POODLE! Ahhh.... The wonders of cell phones!

1 comment:
Actually, I thought you said, "Puppy" ... because I got one of those once ... it was an Irish Setter ... (for Christmas, and I wasn't too thrilled about it - you know how I feel about dogs - well, pets in general - okay, everyone hate me - sorry!) M
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