I began following Abby's story back in April, shortly before she decided to head into Cape Town, South Africa, to make repairs to her auto-pilot system. Since then Abby has had quite the adventure, eventually being forced to activate two emergency beacons and end her journey after her boat was dismasted in a storm while crossing the Indian Ocean.
Since the story of her rescue has unfolded, many people have begun criticizing Abby's parents for letting her make this journey, accusing them of being neglectful, saying that she made the journey to escape her father, saying that she shouldn't have been in the Indian Ocean this time of year, etc. Really, people? Just because she had the misfortune of meeting a storm in the Indian Ocean that dismasted her boat, rendering it impossible for her to continue her journey? Because of THAT INCIDENT, her parents are now bad people?
What if Abby had successfully completed the goal she set out out to attain? Would her parents be bad people then? Would they still be neglectful? I just don't get it!
Now I'm not saying that as a parent I would let my child solo circumnavigate the world at age 16... I don't even know that I'd let my child travel solo across the country at age 16, but that's neither here nor there. From what I have read, Abby had been training for this since she was 6 months old... Sailing was in her blood. Her boat was well equipped, she had a team of supporters and experts here in the US working with her and for her to chart courses, keep up with weather patterns, etc., and she knew what she was doing.
So where does this leave the Sunderland family? It leaves them trapped in the middle of a media circus at a time when they should be excited about the arrival of their new baby and praising God every day for the fact that Abby is alive and well and safely on her way back home.
I think we are much too quick to jump into other people's business and make judgements. I admit, to some extent I'm guilty. Here's a thought for the day... If we could all try to learn facts before making judgments, wouldn't the world be a better and happier place?
Abby, reach for the stars... Go forth and achieve your dreams! You are a strong girl and you can do anything you set your mind to... NEVER GIVE UP!

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