After lunch and Walmart, we made a stop at the Fish and Reptile store where we checked out the turtles, tortoises (I think Big A has learned the difference), Iguanas, Geckos, Bearded dragons, lots of other lizards, snakes, coral (he now knows that coral is an animal, not a plant, and not also not a fish - and the gal even took some out of the water and let him touch it), and awesome fish, we headed home. The kids asked if we could look at the bird eggs again to see if the babies had hatched. They know not to walk past the side steps anymore so they won't scare the mother bird and she will stay on the nest, but we do let them look once a day.
We saw the mother bird hovering over on the rock with something in it's mouth, so I thought the babies might have hatched. Sure enough, there are two so far, with two eggs yet to hatch! One of the baby's had it's mouth open the whole time we peeked at it! Great to see and very exciting for the kids! They wanted to take a picture, so we got the camera and went back out one more time.
The mother was so nervous - she jumped from the rock, to the wall, to the fence, to the deck railing, and finally flew to the nest after we came inside and watched from the living room window. They loved it, and we wondered how the mother will keep leaving the nest to hunt for food for the two babies while managing to keep the other two eggs warm until they hatch. We will check again in the morning. Maybe by then they will all be hatched, as Big A insists another of the eggs is cracking open.
Little A's Tattoo...
Check out the placement of Little A's tattoo. I'm trying to teach her to at least wear her tattoo like a lady if she insists on having one!
Oh, yes.... The final story...
Big A - "Do you want to play house?"
Little A - "Sure, you be the dad and I'll be the mom."
Big A - "Okay."
Little A - "I have a baby in my tummy."
Big A - "I have to go to work now; I'll be working late because I want to stay home tomorrow when you have the baby so that I can spend time with it."
Oh dear! What's next!?!?!?
And that, my friends, is fun at Grandma and Grandpa's! They sure do keep us on our toes!

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