Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The World's Next Great Teacher

Tonight the kids were coloring at the dining room table while I was fixing dinner. I could tell that they were getting restless, and Big A was starting to give Little A a bad time about not knowing her letters.

Needing to buy just a few more minutes to finish dinner, and not wanting to hear them argue about who made better letters and who knew what and didn't know what, I reminded Big A that when he was two he didn't know his letters either. I told him about the first Sonoma State student who'd babysat them and how she used to work with him on his letters all the time.

Then it struck me... I didn't know what would happen, but I suggested that he teach Little A how to make her letters. GENIUS! He was SO into it!

He even tried to hold the paper up and write so she could see what he was doing... TOO CUTE!
Practicing the letters...

The happy student!
They got to 'G' before Big A decided they'd done enough for today and that it was time to start a rock band. By then dinner was ready... Another great Mommy idea, if I do say so myself!

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