Sunday, November 1, 2009

Draggy Ann And Baba (aka Happy Halloween!)

Do you know how hard it is to get a 4 year old to be a clown for Halloween? Big A was CONVINCED that he was going to be an astronaut again this year but I just wasn't having it (and you know how mom's are... We HAVE to win, right???)!

So here's the story... My mom has a closet full of costumes (Halloween costumes, play costumes, dance dresses, you name it) that I wore when I was a kid, most of which she made herself. When she reminded me about them, we (or maybe just I) were pretty determined that the kids were going to start using them and there's really only one that was suitable for a boy... The clown! Well Big A wanted nothing to do with it, but Little A had a blast trying on each different costume! Raggedy Ann (aka Draggy Ann to an almost 3 year old who can't quite say "Raggedy")was the one that fit best this year, so her costume was settled.

Two weeks before Halloween we were headed out to a party, and the kids needed their costumes. Big A and I had finally agreed that he'd wear his astronaut costume to the party and then we'd find him something different for Halloween night. Before he got dressed, we once again tried to persuade him to wear the clown costume and again he grumbled loudly at the idea. Grandma tried bribing him with a dollar and it was still a no go. (Okay.... Here's where the MOMMY MUST WIN moment comes out....)

Big A had not taken a nap that day, even though we repeatedly told him that no nap meant no party. B and I knew that it was unrealistic to not let him go to the party, so we agreed that he could go, but he had to go late. Then it hit me (or maybe it hit Grandma...)! A deal was in the making.... If he'd wear the clown costume, he could go to the party with us on time (I look back on that and think... LAME! LOL).

YES! VICTORY FOR MOMMY! And then... When he was all dressed in the clown costume and buckled in his car seat, I told him we needed to stop and get face paint. You know what he said next??? He said, "Mommy, I want to be a clown for Halloween!" And he was...

May I present to you.....


Ready for trick-or-treating with Kaitlyn and Allison

"This must be the biggest pumpkin in the world!"

Catching a ride with Grandma!

And so concludes OUR Halloween.... Stay tuned for "Draggy Ann and Baba... The Day After!"

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