Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week, but first check out what I have not been doing this week... HERE GOES!
While reading a blog about about a boy named Aidan while I was
That very same day I did not threaten to wash Big A's mouth out with soap if he didn't stop using potty words and then lead him into the bathroom to chose which soap he wanted when he wouldn't stop talking about pee. I would NEVER do something like that! And of course Big A would never talk like that! (Although B and I DID decide that we could be rich if we invented some 'soap-like' substance in a 'soap-like' bottle that is non-toxic and doesn't taste good so that parents COULD wash a child's mouth out with 'soap'...)
And most importantly I did not tell my kids all the way home today that we had a project to do as soon as we got home, and then get on the computer to finish this post instead. Obviously my first priority is playing with my kids and finishing that
(Speaking of that project, it was not supposed to be give to Big A's teacher today and I did not send a note to said teacher telling her that we'd have it to her on Wednesday. NOT ME! I'm too organized and on top of it for that!)
So come back next week to find out what I didn't do this week! See you then!

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