Sunday, June 21, 2009

Little A Isms...

This afternoon Little A was getting ready for nap and gathered her blankie and binky. Big A, making every attempt to annoy his little sister being a typical big brother, took her binky out of her mouth. She got mad and said, "GIVE ME MY BANKY!"

Big A said, "Little A, it's a BINKY. Say BINKY."

Little A, who has absolutely no problem saying binky, said, "BINKY."

Big A said, "GOOD JOB, LITTLE A! Now call it a binky forever."

Little A looked right at him and said, "GIVE ME MY BINKY FOREVER!"

While driving down the street towards our house the other day, Little A saw a house that was being painted. It had some different colors or paint on it (old paint, new paint, old trip, new trim, sample colors, etc.) and she looked at it and asked, "Why they're painting their house rainbows?"
Little A's new saying when she gets mad at Big A.... *STAMPING HER FOOT* "FINE! I'm going tell my mommy!"

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