The following conversation took place on a recent trip to Target (one of my all time FAVORITE stores!) with the kids...
Big A - "MOM! We need to get this Oxi Clean, remember?"
Me (a die hard ZOUT user) - "Oxi Clean? Why?"
Big A - "Because the man on the TV said it's the best! Don't we need some, mom?"
Me - "No, we have some ZOUT at home."
Big A - "Hey! Let's get this dog food in case we ever get a cat!"
Me - "Silly, you can't feed dog food to a cat! What kind of food is that really?"
Big A - "OH! It's cat food! Let's get some, in case we ever get a cat!"
Me - "No, we're not getting a cat so we don't need any cat food."
Big A - "Mom, do we have a home security system?"
Me - "No, we don't have one of those."
Big A - "Why not?"
Me - "Because we can't really have one at our house, Honey."
Big A - "Mom, do we have too much credit card debt?"
So let's take a vote... Does my child watch too much television???
By the way... WHEN did they stop putting kid commercials on during cartoons, and start putting ADULT commercials on during cartoons??? Whoever came up with that one, is a genius! These kids are SOAKING THAT STUFF UP!

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