As you may or may not know, Little A has had chronic ear infections since she was 9 months old. Between 9 and 12 months of age she had four infections but then they stopped. October came and they started again. This time she's had 9-12 infections in 8 months. After MANY rounds of antibiotics, MANY doctors appointments and a few second opinions (is it possible to have more than one second opinion? ANYWAY!) it was determined that she needs ear tubes. And there you have it... That's the story... (See, if you were paying attention this is the part where you're saying, "But what about the CT Scan?" HA! I caught you not paying attention!)
Okay, well maybe not quite the end of the story... We WISH it were that simple, but it's not. Correction... It's that simple for Little A, but this is where Big A enters into the story.
Big A failed two hearing tests at school so we followed up with his pediatrician. He failed two hearing tests at the pediatrician's office, so he was referred to an Audiologist and an ENT. (Keep in mind, we'd already been around the block on ENTs and which one we would end up with, so there was no need to go through all that again). Big A had a hearing test with the Audiologist and failed once again.
It's been determined that Big A has hearing loss in his left ear which would normally be associated with prolonged exposure to loud noise such as construction work or rock concerts. (I know, I know... We've really got to crack down on his rock star habits or at least make him wear protective ear ware!) The ENT wanted to perform a CT Scan on Big A to rule out Enlarged Vestibular Aqueducts. We did the CT Scan today and Big A did AWESOME! He had to lay on his stomach for a few minutes and then on his back and he laid SOOO still. I was SO proud of him! We should have the results of that test tomorrow or the next day.
A good ending place for the story, right? WRONG! During Big A's visit with the ENT I had him check Big A's tonsils. They are HUGE (and I do mean HUGE! They practically touch each other even when they're NOT swollen!) and he has trouble swallowing and snores like a buzz saw (my theory is that the prolonged noise exposure is from HIMSELF!). The ENT took one look at those babies and said, "Those need to come out, and the adenoids too. He will be a different person. It will stop the snoring and the throwing up. His voice will be different after the surgery." (That, my friends, scares me! I've listened to him for 4 1/2 years! I don't WANT his voice to change! *WHINE WHINE WHINE*)
The nurse came in and scheduled surgery for both kids, and that's that. Surgery is scheduled for Thursday, July 23. Please keep us all in your prayers!
Seriously... THIS is the end of the story (for now)... You can go back to work now!

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