While walking through Target one day Little A and I were singing, "I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck..."
Big A, in typical '4 1/2 year old change the words to everything' fashion started singing, "I love you, a bushel and a pecker..."
This was one of those times where you just keep your mouth shut and keep walking... YIKES!
A few weeks ago after church, Big A was questioning why Grandpa doesn't take communion with us...
Big A - "How come Grandpa doesn't go up to the front with us?"
Me - "I don't know, Honey. That's a good question. You'll have to ask Grandpa."
Big A - "I think it's because he doesn't like that food!"
For those of you who have never seen Milo and Otis, there is one scene (that I found out about WHILE watching Milo and Otis for the first time with the kids) in which Milo's 'girlfriend' cat is giving birth to kittens. As soon as I saw this I though, "Aw crap! I hope Big A paid not attention to that!" No such luck...
Big A - "EW, MOM! That just came out of her butt!"

Big A - "EW, MOM! That just came out of her butt!"

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