We spent Friday evening at Costco and dined on Costco hot dogs and pizza. You really can't beat the price of dinner at Costco! We got two hot dogs, two drinks, one slice of pizza and two churros for just over $7!
After Costco we came home, put groceries away, set up our slumber party and hit the hay (or the floor... Or something like that...) We were all sleeping peacefully when suddenly I was ripped from slumber by the words, "MOM! I'M GOING TO PUKE!" Let me just tell you that it takes very little time to wake up when a child is telling you they're going to puke!
"RUN TO THE BATHROOM!" Thank goodness he made it! For the first time EVER (daytime not included) Big A woke up BEFORE he was going to be sick and managed to get to the bathroom in time. I can't tell you how thankful I am for this.... And considering that Little A was sleeping between him and the bathroom, I'm sure she's thankful, too!
Anyhow... Big A DID get sick once in the night which put me in a funk thinking that our entire weekend would be spent with one kid bouncing off the walls and one kid sick on the couch. To my surprise, Big A woke up bouncing off the walls like nothing had ever happened and was completely fine! We watched a little TV, ate breakfast, got dressed, went to baseball, stopped for hot chocolate on the way home, and made our plans for the rest of the day which included seeing Rio and going out to dinner. However, as soon as we walked in the door, Little A decided that she needed to 'spit' and next thing I know, she's getting sick too!
At that point I had NO idea what was going on and was REALLY praying for some Calgon, but she bounced right back and she was fine, too... GO FIGURE! After lunch, a quick rest, and making certain that everyone was feeling fine, we headed out to see Rio.
After the movie we headed to one of our favorite local pizza joints and then we came home for night two of 'SLEEPOVER IN MOM'S ROOM!" I'm praying for a good night's sleep and no more puke!

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