"This is a long book, we probably won't be able to read it all tonight," I tell the kids as I start to read... But then we start, and we can't put it down. We read page after page about the adventures of Nubs, an Iraqi dog of war, and Brian Dennis, an American marine in Iraq. At one point I look over at Big A and he's staring at the other side of the room. "Do you want me to stop for tonight?"
"No, keep reading," he tells me. I'm wondering why he wants me to keep reading if he's clearly not paying any attention. I read another couple of pages and check on him again. Again he's staring at the other side of the room and again I ask if I should keep reading. "Keep reading," he replies.
I read a couple more pages and as I begin the third page, my voice starts to crack. It's at this point that I realize that Big A is NOT zoning out as I'd previously thought, but rather hiding the fact that he's trying not to cry. I continue reading and find that the more my voice cracks, the harder he cries and the harder he cries, the more Little A starts to cry and by the time I get to the end of the page, all three of us are in tears.
I continue trying to read through the tears and through the tears we're cracking up at the fact that the three of us are in tears. It must have been quite a site to see.
Good book... Happy ending... Tears of joy... We highly recommend it!

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