I know my posts have been full of Little A isms lately, but I just can't help it. She CRACKS. ME. UP. I don't know WHERE she comes up with this stuff!
Today she got sick right after she ate breakfast and again right after she ate lunch. It's odd because she's perfectly fine except for throwing up twice. It's one of those times when you're in a real quandary about whether or not to send her to school tomorrow morning and to her play date tomorrow afternoon, you know?
Anyhow... We were finishing dinner and I was hoping that she would make it through dinner without getting sick. She finished her meal, excused herself from the table and headed straight to the bathroom where she started spitting into the toilet. Big A and I were trying not to laugh because as every parent knows, laughing will CERTAINLY encourage the behavior.
Well... She continues leaning over the toilet spitting and I guess the fact that Big A and I were ignoring her, was not to her liking. She starts screaming illegible "I'm trying to be funny and get attention" noises and words and Big A and I continue to ignore her (or at least from what she could see we were ignoring her.) I guess our lack of interest was too much for her because she started screaming, "OH GOD! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!"
After the screaming she'd stop to wait for our reaction then lean over, spit, scream, repeat... She made it through three of four cycles before deciding that she wasn't going to throw up and we weren't going to give her any attention so she flushed and rejoined us at the table. Too funny!
While sitting on the couch after dinner, Little A came up to me and said, "Do you have worms on your eyebrows?"
Me - "What?"
Little A - "Do you have worms on your eyebrows?"
Me - "Where did you get an idea like that?"
Little A - "Big A told me."
Me (looking at Big A) - "Did you tell her that?"
Big A - "Mrs. R told us that there are worms that eat in your eyebrows."
Me - "No, Big A. That's not true."
Big A - "Well Mrs. R said it and she's right. You're wrong."
Me - "I'm sorry, Big A. It's not true. There are not worms that eat in your eyebrows."
Big A - "I'm going to tell Mrs. R you said that."
Little A - "There aren't worms in your eyebrows?"