Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week, but first check out what I have not been doing this week... HERE GOES!
Ah, what a week! Last week was Big A's last week of school and was filled with a field trip, water play day, and end of the year family pot luck followed by a last-minute weekend camping trip (stay tuned for more on that!). By Friday I was beat and the hard part was yet to come!
Wednesday was water play and Hawaiian day at Big A's school. As requested, I sent him to school in jeans with his bathing suit underneath them. When B picked him up from school, Big A was definitely not wearing underwear that weren't his, the teacher did not ask B to return them on Friday for someone else to use in an emergency and we did NOT lose them sometime in between. I'm super organized! I wouldn't do something like that! And the missing underwear may or may not have been found in the kid's laundry pile, I can't say for sure.
On Friday while packing the car for our trip I did not leave Little A strapped in her car seat while I packed. Why would I do that? I LOVE having her help while attempting to sort through the mess that was our garage at the time!
While camping this weekend I did not mistake a tree for a bathroom in the middle of the night because I was too scared tired to walk up the hill to the bathroom. I did not let Big A do that, either. We ALWAYS used a proper restroom facility complete with flushing toilet!
On Saturday I did not not take a three hour nap with Little A while B and Big A went to a graduation party. I dutifully worked on vacation bible school stuff, JUST LIKE I PROMISED MYSELF I WOULD! (And by no means am I starting to feel the pressure of needing to get myself moving faster on that front!)
And Sunday when we returned I did not have Little A pee in the gutter in the back parking lot of the community center after she told me she did not need to use the restroom while we were inside. I made her wait until we got home! Potty training two year olds should ALWAYS be able to hold it. She most certainly did not pee in a bucket in the Target parking lot today because it would have made us late to unbuckle everyone and take them back inside, either!
All in all it was a GREAT, albeit tiring, week! Come back next week to find out what I didn't do this week! See you then!