Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Godson!

Today we celebrated my godson's 16th birthday! I can't believe that my cute little Jofus is now well on his way to becoming a man... A very TALL man! AMAZING!

The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and I must say that for 14 and 16, they sure do a great job playing with my kids! They pulled out some of their old toys for them, they pulled them around the house in blankets, they played outside with them... I have the greatest nephews in the world! Thanks, guys!

Joe showed us his awesome fire making skills (puts me to shame!), we visited, the kids played on the tire swing and then we feasted on pizza and had Coldstone Cake... YUM! Nothing beats pizza and strawberry ice cream cake!

We didn't end up leaving their house until around 10 and we had an hour and a half drive home... It was SUPER fun but boy are we beat!

Happy Birthday, JOE! WE LOVE YOU, and are SO proud of the man you're becoming!!

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