First I want to congratulate my cousin, Christian, who graduated from high school in Southern California. Christian is planning to go to community college and become a fire fighter/EMT. Congrats, Christian! Keep up the good work!

Next I want to congratulate another cousin, Caitlin! Caitlin graduated from a community college in Southern California with an Associate Degree in Social and Behavioral Studies and is planning to continue her education to become a speech therapist. Congrats, Caitlin! You can do anything you set your mind to!

And finally... Our Molly graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in American Multicultural Studies. Molly has been accepted into the teaching credential program and starts in August. Congrats, Molly! You'll be the greatest teacher!
I am so proud of all three of these fine graduates and I know that they will go on to do bigger and better things!
Wait, I think I forgot someone... Oh, yes! There's ONE more! But you'll have to wait to find out who...
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