Grandma had given each kid $0.25 to ride Champion and on the way downtown we had discussed the possible options for the ride... Do they each get one ride? Do they ride together so they each get to ride twice? Do they ride Champion and THEN get their haircut? Do they get their haircut and THEN ride Champion? Decisions, decisions! Finally it was decided that they would ride together so that they'd each get two rides and that they'd ride once before their haircuts and once after (Smart cookies, those two are! Maximizing their options!)
Anyhow... We got downtown and ended up having to drive around the block twice before finding a parking spot. The first time we drove past Champion another boy was climbing into the saddle. As I was talking half to myself and half to anyone who would listen about whether or not the man in the BMW was going to back out of the parking space he occupied, I heard from the backseat, "Aw! That boy is going to ride Champion! DAMN!"
Of course THAT caught my attentions. "Big A, what did you say?"
He replied, "I said damn." Bad mommy moment I know, but I couldn't help but to laugh! So he said, "What are you laughing at?"
I didn't miss a beat! "Oh, I'm laughing at that man because he won't get out of that parking place. He's just sitting there. Big A, we don't say that word, okay?"
And that was the end of the discussion, only I couldn't stop laughing... DAMN! That was close!

1 comment:
Ah, ah! Told you that was a "mommy phrase!" Gotcha! :)
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