The other night I went in to tuck the kids in one last time before I went to bed as I do EVERY NIGHT. Little A, who very much dislikes the confines of her covers, was laying on top of them as usual. Of course I have to try to cover her up anyhow because I mean... If I'm cold, she MUST be cold, right? As I tucked her legs under the covers she said, "Mmmm... No! Can you get them out for me?"
Me (In my head thinking she's talking about her legs and the covers... "Dang! I was caught! I thought she was asleep...") - (Out loud now...) "What, Princess?"
Little A - "Can you get them out for me?"
Me - "Get what out?"
Little A - "All of the chickens."
Me - "OH! You want me to get all of the chickens out, honey?"
Little A - "Yes."
Me - "Okay. Mommy will get them."
Little A - *SNORE*
Friday night while driving to Grandma and Grandpa's, we were listening to the kids' favorite Contemporary Christian Worship CD. Little A said, "Look at me! I'm folding my hands for Jesus."
Me - "Oh! That's great! I see that!"
Little A (wrapping her arms around her body) - "And see me now? Guess what I'm doing now! I'm giving Jesus a BIG hug!"
Me - "Oh! That's great! I see that!"
Little A (wrapping her arms around her body) - "And see me now? Guess what I'm doing now! I'm giving Jesus a BIG hug!"
Whenever we're headed upstairs, Big A (who is always in the lead) either shouts, "The last one up is a rotten egg," or, "First one up wins!"
This morning Little A and I were in the bathroom and were headed into the kids' room. Little A left ahead of me and hollered back, "Whoever's a rotten egg wins!"
This morning Little A and I were in the bathroom and were headed into the kids' room. Little A left ahead of me and hollered back, "Whoever's a rotten egg wins!"

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