Have you ever seen these seed pods? I've always called them helicopters. Turns out that if you Google "Helicopter Seed Pods" you'll find them. In fact, without researching, I can't find out what they're really called. Every website I looked at called them helicopter seed pods.
Anyhow... That's neither here nor there and has really nothing to do with my story other than the fact that I wanted to find a picture of them to share with you. The other day I got out of the van and found one of these seed pods on the ground. I was quite excited as these always bring back a single, specific memory of my great grandfather on my biological father's side.
One day, when I was about three years old, my great-grandfather and I were walking along the shore of the lake where we lived. He found a cluster of these seed pods and showed me how they twirl down like a helicopter when tossed into the air. We played on the beach for quite some time, tossing the seed pods into the air and watching them flutter down.
I've shared this story with my kids and have shown them how to make helicopters out of the seed pods. Big A is to the point where he, too, enjoys finding them. He came in the other day and told me that the back yard is full of them. I went out today to sweep up, and sure enough, there were probably 25 of them scattered about. However, they were tiny ones and of all the ones we found, only two were large enough to play with.
I don't know why that has always stuck in my mind, but it's something I will never forget. Thanks for listening, and have fun playing helicopter!

Anyhow... That's neither here nor there and has really nothing to do with my story other than the fact that I wanted to find a picture of them to share with you. The other day I got out of the van and found one of these seed pods on the ground. I was quite excited as these always bring back a single, specific memory of my great grandfather on my biological father's side.
One day, when I was about three years old, my great-grandfather and I were walking along the shore of the lake where we lived. He found a cluster of these seed pods and showed me how they twirl down like a helicopter when tossed into the air. We played on the beach for quite some time, tossing the seed pods into the air and watching them flutter down.
I've shared this story with my kids and have shown them how to make helicopters out of the seed pods. Big A is to the point where he, too, enjoys finding them. He came in the other day and told me that the back yard is full of them. I went out today to sweep up, and sure enough, there were probably 25 of them scattered about. However, they were tiny ones and of all the ones we found, only two were large enough to play with.
I don't know why that has always stuck in my mind, but it's something I will never forget. Thanks for listening, and have fun playing helicopter!

That's a sweet story. And you made me Google them...so here: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-trees-have-the-helicopter-seed-pods :) Maple.
Good Morning
Here in Oklahoma the helicopter seeds grow on the Box Elder trees, and they grow every where. Hopefully I will have fewer now that Mom had the Box Elder trees cut out a few years back. Every where a helicopter lands a new tree grows,
Love to all
Auntie A
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