If you're familiar with Folgers, you're familiar with the big, red, plastic container that it comes in, and you probably know that the container has many uses when it's empty. The containers are great for toy cars, screws and other miscellaneous hardware, crayons and markers, and a million other things. One thing that we often use the empty cans for is creature catching. We've used them for mice, lizards, salamanders, etc. Most recently we used the red can for a lizard named Lizzy.

A couple of weeks after Lizzy had been released, Little A and I were cleaning up the kitchen and getting things ready for the next day. I asked her to go to the refrigerator and get me the coffee. She didn't know what the coffee looked like, so I said, "It's the big, red can."
She opened the frig, looked around, and spotted the can. As she pulled it from the refrigerator she asked in a bit of a shocked tone, "Mommy, is this Lizzy?!?!"
It took me a moment to realize what she was asking but then I laughed and explained that it was coffee grounds and that after the coffee was gone we reuse the cans. However, she's is stuck on the idea that inside those cans is Lizzy and while on the coffee aisle at Safeway the next day her eyes got wide and she asked, "Are those ALL Lizzys??"
Ah, to be young and innocent again... I love that girl!

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