Monday is cow auction day. Monday is not always a good day to eat at 'the hot dog place' which happens to be located in the building underneath the bleachers at the cow auction. However, Mondays are Little A's favorite time to eat at the hot dog place becuase it's cow auction day so we gave it a shot.
Last Monday was different for some reason. The hot dog place (Better known as Roy's Chicago Dogs at the Yard) was fairly empty (Perhaps rain keeps people away from hot dogs and cow auctions?), even right at noon when the auction employees were breaking for lunch.
Grandma, Grandpa, Little A and I enjoyed our favorite dogs and then watched the auction for awhile. I'd never been and was quite fascinated.
The cows come in the door at the left of the picture below and parade around through the small arena. If they're not moving enough, the man in the arena gives them a little bump in the buttocks with something that looks like a plastic oar.
Inside the booth there's an auctioneer (the main in white), a 'secretary' (the woman in red) and one other guy who's job I wasn't clear on.
As the cow parades through the arena, the auctioneer takes bids. Althogh there were other people in the stands (maybe 8 including us), as near as I could tell the only people bidding were a gentleman from a local meat company and the man who was in the arena with the cows, letting them in and out.>
Once a per pound price is determined, the cow is let out the door seen in the left of the picture below, where it's weighed.
It was very interesting to watch. Little A and Grandma enjoyed discussing which cows needed to be milked, how many udders they had, etc. They send the cows into the arena when they're full of milk. It seems wrong to me, as it adds about 40 pounds to the weight, but I guess these guys are in the business and they know what they're doing.
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