Projects... Never ending projects...
You know how it is when you start one project and that project leads to another project which leads to another project and so on? Yeah, that's where I am. It started with getting ready for bunk beds and there's no end in sight. I'm now surrounded by projects. Everywhere I turn there are signs of unfinished projects.
The garage is 100 times better and the kids' room is back in order but now I'm working on conquering the rest of the house. In the meantime it looks like this...
* Photos in stacks waiting to be put in frames. This can't be done yet because I still need to print about 10 more pictures.

* Recipes stacked all over the place waiting to be put into the recipe binder. I need to get some dividers first and then I need to sort through all of the recipes and decide what to keep and what to toss, what we've tried and what we have yet to try, etc.

* Boxes of pictures that need to be sorted and put in some sort of order, frames that need to be filled (make that 14 pictures I need to print), rolled coin that needs to be taken to the bank then deposited in the kids' 529 accounts...

* Coins that I need to finish rolling so that I can complete the last part of the unfinished project above...

And of course after one dumps dirty coins all over one's bed, one must change one's sheets! BUT... There's one project that HAS been finished!
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