Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Monday

Well, it finally happened. The kids are back in school, the camping season is pretty much over, B is back to working toward his teaching credential, and I have my Mondays back! That means coffee with the ladies, pedicures, shopping sprees and massages! Okay. Just kidding. It means working on projects, working in classrooms, and preparing meals for the week!

This morning I did carpool and then came home to a QUIET house and worked on that picture project that you saw spread out all over the desk a couple of days back. That took up all of my time until it was time to pick Little A up from school.

After lunch (and before picking Big A up from school) Little A and I got dinner in the crock pot and made a pudding pie. It was SO FUN! She's getting bigger and easier to have in the kitchen. She even does dishes... And LIKES it!

When I was a little girl my mom had a poem on the kitchen wall titled, "When Amy Helps Me Cook." If I knew where it was, I'd share it with you but cooking with Little A reminded me of that poem. Hopefully in the years to come there will be many more Mondays spent in the kitchen with my princess.

I'll share recipes with you soon!

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