Sunday, September 25, 2011

Little A's Apple Farm Field Trip

Friday Little A's class went on their first field trip of the year. Fortunately I was able to join her class, as I'd taken the day off to spend at the hospital with my dad (Which, for the record, I did as soon as the trip was over).

This field trip was to a local apple farm where the kids were able to learn about apples from the tree to the store. They saw where apples are put when they're picked, how they get washed, polished and sorted, where they are stored until they are shipped to the store, etc. After a tour of the INSIDE of the facility, they were able to go out into the orchard and pick two apples to bring home.

While the kids feasted on homemade apple bread and apple juice, the moms shopped in the little store and stocked up on homemade apple pies, jellies, syrups, and cookies. I must admit that I did NOT leave empty handed. I left with a French apple pie and an oatmeal chocolate chip apple cookie. YUM!

The farm has a large grassy area with an old tractor that the kids love running around and climbing on. I think they could have stayed there for hours and never have gotten bored.

But alas, all good things must end so we packed up the apples and the kids and headed back to school. This may be our last trip to the apple farm (at least as part of a class field trip). We've had a good four year run!


My dad is still in the ICU. He's having ups and downs. Friday he looked surprisingly good for just having undergone MAJOR surgery. He was alert while we were visiting and was coughing up a LOT of gunk. The coughing was making him very uncomfortable. Saturday he had spiked a high fever (104.5) and his blood pressure was up so they working hard to get both of those things under control with medication, ice packs, and fans. Today he was very uncomfortable and agitated, probably the worst I've seen him. They're giving him medicine to control his anxiety. I think the anxiety is high because he doesn't like the trake. He continues to improve overall, but is having minor setbacks like low heart rate and high blood sugar. The doctors assure us that this will all stabilize.

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