Today the kids and I ran errands while B was at the orientation for his credential program. We got donuts, went to the dance studio to pay Little A's tuition, went to Lowe's to buy a little grill and some propane, and then headed to Costco. We also planned our camping trip with Grandma and Grandpa and took LONG naps! Productive, I'd say!
In the car Little A was singing "I'm A Little Tea Pot" but she gets it mixed up with "I'm A Little Snowflake" which her class sang for the Christmas show at school last year. The song came out something like this... "I'm a little tea cup short and long, I fall from the sky and I don't make a sound."
I gently tried to correct her, explaining that it is a tea pot, not a tea cup and that it didn't fall from the sky, and also trying to explain that she was confusing the two songs but she wasn't having it. Big A, being the wiseacre that he is, asked, "Where did the tea cup fall from then? The window?"
While we were in Costco, Big A and I were talking about school and the fact that he's in elementary school to which he replied that he'd HEARD of elementary school, but didn't realize he was IN elementary school. (That must somehow be more prestigious than kindergarten???) We talked about which grades are considered elementary, which grades are middle school, and which are high school and I told him that after high school he goes to college. He said, "Then I get a job. WOW! That's SOOO fast! It seems like just an hour until I'm a grown up!"
DAMN! He's right! Stop the train, I want off! I'm having a hard enough time accepting the fact that he's starting kindergarten next week, but being a working adult?!?!? SLOW DOWN!!
Later in the day Little A was telling B about our errands. "DAD! We saw Christmas and Happyween stuff at Costco! There were lots of ghostas!"
Oh man... Those two sure keep me on my toes! I love them SO much!

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