Big A is full of them, coming up with some real good ones... He is SO funny sometimes, and the things he comes out with... I tell you, I have no idea where he gets some of them. I LOVE the fact that he's so quick witted, even at five years old!
A couple of weeks ago we were driving home from a party and out of the blue Big A said, "Mommy, I just said a prayer. I asked God to bless all of the people who are bad that he can make them heal up."
There I was, reveling in my proud mommy moment, thinking about how thoughtful Big A is and what a grown up boy he's becoming when he followed it up with, "So now I don't have to say prayers before bed!"
Last night Grandma and I took the kids school clothes shopping at Kohl's. While browsing in the boys department, Grandma called Big A over to try on a shirt. He looked at it and asked if it had any pictures on it, to which we replied that it did not. He looked at us and said, "Now that's what I call BORING!"
On the way home from Kohl's I was on the phone with B and relating a story about something that had happened at swim lessons that evening. I said, "Kim, the pool manager...."
Without missing a beat Big A blurted out, "Don't you mean girlager?"
It took me a minute to figure out what he meant, but I'm telling you... THAT was a good one!

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