I wasn't feeling well Thursday so I decided I'd let Tracie and Sherry be the DDs and I'd drive. What's that? DD is designated driver? OH! I thought it was designated drinkers! Well... Anyhow, they were sure good at what they did!
We ended up at The Cheesecake Factory and were all STARVING by the time we arrived. We ordered six 'small plates' and by the time we finished them, we had no room left for dessert but we all took cheesecake to go.
We had an awesome time talking and laughing and relaxing. We covered so many topics it was crazy! And how a conversation jumps from one thing to another so far removed is beyond me! I suppose it could be the Sangria talking???
Where should we go next, and who's driving??
Until next time, Cheers, Girls!! I love you!

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