Now you're probably expecting some grand post with pictures and all kinds of fun stories, right? And you're expecting me to pick up and blog daily again, right? I just don't have it in me today and the kids and I are leaving tomorrow to visit family and won't be back until the middle of the week. I'll fill you in on last week, but you're going to have to sit tight just a BIT longer for me to get back in the swing of things. SORRY!
Last week went like this...
Saturday we had practice for the Church Sunday School show followed by our first two Christmas celebrations. We celebrated with Grandpa Jim and Sinda in the afternoon and with my sister and her family in the evening. It was great fun, but NO NAPS!
Sunday my mom and I finished up the last minute stocking stuffer shopping and grocery shopping while Grandpa had a playdate with the kids. We didn't get home until after 10pm.
Monday I worked and then the kids and I went to Grandma's. My mom and I made cookies, cookies, and more cookies, while the kids played with one of their cousins. We went to dinner and looked at Christmas lights before coming home to make more cookies. Another fun day, but another day with NO NAPS and another day getting home after 10pm.
Tuesday didn't go at ALL as it was supposed to. I worked then hung out in the waiting area at Meineke with the kids for two hours while they replaced the brake pads that they had installed a couple of weeks prior. We then made a whirlwind Target trip and picked up a movie before coming home to a wonderful dinner of cold cereal. The kids hung out with Grandma while I enjoyed some last-minute pre-Christmas adult time with friends at a cookie exchange. Did I mention that there were NO NAPS again?
Wednesday was my last day of work before MTO (Mandatory Time Off). Because I'd been up since 2:30am (I have NO idea why.... UGH!), I took off at noon. The kids and I got some lunch then came home and all settled in for a MUCH NEEDED NAP. After naps we met up with Grandma and Grandpa and went to see the new Chipmunks movie (which I highly recommend) then the kids had their first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's since before Grandma's surgery.
Thursday I got up and wrapped ALL of the Christmas gifts, got a haircut, ran a couple of errands then went to my mom's. We went to church, grabbed some dinner then came home and went to bed so that we'd be asleep when Santa came. I don't think I was really asleep when Santa came, as Little A has a NASTY cold and cough and didn't sleep most of the night.
Yesterday we celebrated and had a wonderful time with family, and we're on our way out to do it again today. Of course in the spirit of
If you made it this far, I commend you, for even I found this to be a bit rambling and boring! LOL Thanks for sticking with me!
From our family to yours... We hope you all had a FABULOUS Christmas and wish you a happy and healthy 2010!

Hey Amy
Just checking if I can do this right
and that you got this
Auntie A
I have missed you!! Have a safe trip and enjoy your MTO!!-T
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