When we got home tonight there was a message from Grandpa Jim and Sinda asking the kids what they wanted for Christmas so after jammies were on and teeth were brushed I let them return the call. Here are some excerpts from that conversation...
Little A while telling Sinda that she wants a princess cash register for Christmas:
Sinda - "What do you want for Christmas?"
Little A - "I want a princess cash... A princess cash... A princess casserole!"
Big A while telling Grandpa Jim what he wants for Christmas:
Big A - "I really want a John Deere Backhoe. A GREEN one, NOT a yellow one."
Grandpa Jim - "A John Deere Backhoe? Don't you already have one of those?"
Big A - "Now listen to me now! This one I really REALLY want. A Kubota tractor with two wheels in the front and treads in the back. You got it?"
Little A answering the question of what we're doing for Christmas (now you have to follow this carefully...):
Grandpa Jim - "What are you guys doing for Christmas?"
Little A (out of breath and difficult to hear and understand because she's walking around my room in circles) - "I don't know."
Grandpa Jim - "Are you walking around?"
Little A - "NO!"
Me - "Yes you are, you're walking around in circles."
Little A to Grandpa Jim - "We're walking around in circles."
Little A to me - "Do you mean driving?"
Little A telling Grandpa Jim goodbye:
Grandpa Jim - "Is it bed time?"
Little A - "Yes."
Grandpa Jim - "Are you all ready for bed?"
Little A - "Yes."
Grandpa Jim - "Are you tired?"
Little A - "Well... My mom's tired so I have to go to bed."

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