So I had planned to tell you about the all we did this past weekend, to update my 'traditions' list and to post pictures of our 'traditions' but I'm just TOO tired. It's been a LONG day filled with doctor appointments and setting up more doctor appointments and hospitals and tests and red days and kids who are not listening and a mommy who is overtired and running out of eggs and a bowl of mandarin oranges on the carpet and... Yeah, you get it! So we're going to bed instead!
But before we do, I will share one little thing with you. Today I took Big A to the pediatrician because he's got some strange things going on with 2 fingernails and 2 toe nails, and because he's been telling me lately that his heart feels funny or that it hurts. Two different doctors looked at his toe nails and fingernails and neither of them know what's wrong so they've referred us to a pediatric dermatologist. Then they listened to his heart and chest and talked to him about the 'pain' and asked him questions and sent us to the hospital for an EKG.
I wasn't looking forward to going to the hospital with two kids but I couldn't find anyone to come sit with Little A while I sat with Big A, so I strapped her in the stroller and told her that if she didn't sit quietly she wouldn't get to open her advent calendar today. Desperate times, desperate measures...
Anyhow, we arrived at the hospital and went to the admitting desk where they informed me that Big A wasn't going to be able to have his test today because unless they are patients, kids under 14 are not allowed in the hospital. I very nicely told them that I didn't have a choice, and that no matter when I came I was going to have to bring Little A with me so they made the kids put masks on and they let us in. A mask is a small price to pay for being able to have the test today and not have to do this all again! The kids thought it was cool at first, but the novelty wore off quickly, I'd say within... Oh... 2 minutes.
They finally took Big A back for his EKG and Little A and I stood by quietly and watched. The tech (who had absolutely NO personality but had little breakthroughs of 'this is a five year old - I need to change my demeanor' every few minutes) got Big A settled on the bed and hooked up to the machine (ten pads with ten alligator clips) and started the test. She turned to him and said, "Don't move, don't talk, lay still, don't move your arm, lay really still, don't move...."
Big A looked up at her and said, "Can I breathe?" The tech kept moving the pads and hooking him back up and moving the pads and hooking him back up and... This went on for twenty minutes and finally Big A had had enough. He was doing so well for the longest time but he had to be SO still and I think he finally just couldn't take it anymore. I could tell that he wasn't doing well and then the silent tears started sliding down his cheeks. The tech had to stop when he started crying because the crying would raise his heart rate and the results of the test would be inaccurate.
It felt SO good to hold Big A in my arms when he climbed down from that table. I felt so helpless while he was laying on the table crying and there was nothing I could do to help him. Hopefully they got the results they needed and we won't be called back for more testing.
Please pray that all of Big A's tests come back normal and that whatever he's feeling is just a 'growing pain' or some sort of other five year old 'ache', and also that whatever is going on with his toe nails and fingernails is 'normal'.

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