Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas In The Twenty-First Century

Remember when you used to get in the car and drive all over town searching for the best Christmas light displays? No maps, no pre-determined routes, just searching and hoping? You know, when a few simple strings of colored lights surrounding a house made the kids oooh and ahhh like seeing their Santa presents on Christmas morning?

Gone are those days! Perhaps it has something to do with Clark Griswold and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, but these days a string of colored lights is B-O-R-I-N-G!* Who settles for colored lights when you can have an inflatable chimney that Santa pops out of or a 10 foot tall inflatable Grinch? How about runway lights with a "Santa Land Here" sign and a sleigh pulling reindeer on the roof?

On both Friday and Saturday nights we took the kids out to 'hunt' for Christmas lights. I went online and researched the best houses in our city and the two neighboring cities, we programmed all of the information into Myrtle Magellan and we were off! Most of the houses we visited were covered in lights and had decorations in the yard, on the roof, on the porch, etc. but we found one house that KNOCKED OUR SOCKS OFF! Even Big A is begging to go back to 'the music house'.

This display was created by a 19 year old using 50,000 lights. It is a light show that features four colors of lights and is completely choreographed. You can check out his website

We HIGHLY recommend you go check out this show! I must say that even Weaver's Winter Wonderland would have a difficult time standing up to this one! ENJOY!

*Okay... So I think that lights, no matter how many or what color, are still pretty... But remember, I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old. They're more difficult to impress sometimes.

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