Today while putting away Christmas decorations, Big A and I were having a reminder discussion about gift opening etiquette and what to say if you open something that you already have, or open something that you don't particularly care for. We were having this discussion because Big A has a couple of returns that he needs to make and I was telling him that he did pretty well when he opened his gifts, but that he could have been a BIT more polite. We talked about how people feel when they give gifts, how they feel when you open them and like them, and how they feel when you open them and make it known that you don't like them. The conversation eventually came around to Little A and and a particular present that she opened to which she replied, "JUST WHAT I DIDN'T WANT! Here, Big A, you can have it!" (Luckily the gift giver wasn't with us when she opened the item, but I was terribly embarrassed nonetheless.)
After Big A and I talked, he went over to Little A, sat down next to her, and explained to her what she should say when she opens presents. He told her that she should always be polite and say, "Thank you! I love it," even if she doesn't really love it or she already has it. He told her that if she doesn't really love it we can talk about it later. I thought he had a GREAT brotherly talk with her (and TOO cute!!).
After he finished talking to her we asked her what she SHOULD have said when she opened the gift in question. Her response???
In the SWEETEST voice.... "Thanks, but I don't want it. And say it very nicely."
Hmmm.... We'll have to work on that before her upcoming birthday. This could be embarrassing!