Soccer season is here again, and this year both kids are playing!

Little A plays in the U6 division. Games are played four on four with no goalie on a small field for 4 five minute periods (or something like that) and the focus is a little on learning and a lot on having fun. Big A plays in the U8 division. I'm not sure how the games work, but I do know that they have goalies and referees and they are starting to learn the positions and what it means to be 'off sides', etc. The focus is a lot on learning and not as much on having fun.
This 'not as much on having fun' thing is a bit of a problem for Big A. He commented to me the other day that, "I really want to play soccer when it's sign up time but after I start playing I wish I hadn't signed up." Oh, kid... Welcome to life!
I can't wait to see these guys in their first games! Good luck, Shooting Stars and Black Cobras! Here's to a great season!
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