All right, all right... I'm a slacker. I'd rather catch up on mindless reality TV at night after the kids go to bed than stay up and blog. I'd rather read books or play Words With Friends. Our computer is painfully slow and I hate doing just about anything on it. We're gone camping every other weekend. The dog ate my homework. I can come up with a million more excuses if you want to hear them!
I'm getting a lot of grief about not updating my blog. Thank you to my loyal 'fans' (Hahaha.... You know who you are!) for keeping me on my toes. I must confess... This is TOUGH! I have the ideas and I know what I want to write about each day. I usually even start the entry so that I can go back and REMEMBER what I wanted to write that day.
But... It takes me forever to go back and FINISH the entry, and I apologize. I will TRY to do better. Maybe if I put it out there for the world to read, I really WILL do better. (Hey... It's worth a shot!)
Thanks for sticking with me, even if I'm a slacker! You're the best!

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