For Mother's Day B and the kids got me a book of devotions for moms called Spilt Milk. (Let me just interject here that Big A chose this gift for me because it has a bowl of Fruit Loops on the cover. It's very appropriate for Big A since A) Fruit Loops is his favorite cereal and B) he

The author, Linda Vujnov, starts the book with a story about her kids singing about "a gal named Miss Susie". I'm sure you've all heard the old hand slapping chant before... "Miss Suzie had a baby, they named him Tiny Tim..." You know the rest! Admit it, you know it!
Anyhow, the first few pages is devoted to the author complaining about her kids singing this song over and over and over for days on end. She was complaining because she couldn't get the song out of her head and was singing it ALL the time as she went about her day. I just want to take a moment to thank you, Mrs. Vujnov... I have now been singing Miss Suzie for TWO DAYS STRAIGHT! If it bothered you so much, why put us through the same misery?
But seriously... I'm enjoying the book!

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