Big A hasn't taken a nap since Monday. We don't usually give him naps during the week, but on the weekends we do so that he can catch up on his rest. Today it's so hot in our house that I let the kids sleep downstairs on the couches where it's cooler. I'm working at the computer near the couch where Big A is napping flailing his arms and legs around and rolling all over whispering to himself. He pops up every few minutes to ask if his nap is over to which I reply, "No, you haven't gone to sleep yet."
The last time he popped up the conversation went something like this:
Big A - "Mommy, can I be done with my nap now?"
Me - "No, you haven't gone to sleep yet. You've fought a nap for the past three days. You need to get some rest."
Big A - "*HUMPH* I wish I was ninety-nine so that I could do whatever I want!"
We had a similar conversation at breakfast this morning when he asked why daddy gets to drink soda with breakfast. I guess it's a good question, since we always make the kids drink milk or juice but daddy drinks Diet Coke...
And then comes the answer that growing up we always hated and promised never to use on our kids.... "Because I said so..."
And with that, Big A has lunged himself off the couch and into a heap on the floor and the fight goes on....
Ah.... The joys of the fabulous fours!

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