Ear Tubes - Little A is suffering from her NINTH ear infection since late October. NINE! Poor baby! She can't hear you half the time because there is so much fluid in there... "WHAT?" I hear that A LOT in my house. It gets old, but at the same time it's SO sad. And getting her in to a doctor who can help her has proven QUITE challenging.
We started with an ENT who had treated me after our cruise last fall when I was suffering from some CRAZY sinus infection that would not respond to any treatment (Okay, so it turns out it wasn't a sinus infection... Perhaps that would be the reason why it wouldn't respond to treatment for a sinus infection?) Anyhow... She told us that Little A needed tubes but we weren't madly in love with that doctor decided to seek out a second opinion because we had heard such WONDERFUL things about another ENT in a different town. The new ENT took one look at Little A and said, "I'd like to operate on this little bird right now." That said, we knew it was time to get tubes but the new doctor couldn't operate on her because he can't operate on patients in our health plan at his local hospital. He referred us to ANOTHER doctor back in the town we'd started in but after making an appointment with THAT doctor it was brought to my attention that maybe we were not making the best decision in seeing that particular person.
OKAY! So NOW we're back to square one. No really... I mean SQUARE ONE.... Okay, well maybe square two. We're back to the same practice as the first doctor, but a different practitioner. However, we can't get Little A (and Big A since he's failed FOUR hearing tests) in until June 22. Our pediatrician was going to see what he could do about getting Little A in sooner so that we can get a surgery date sooner and get her on the track to recovery, but I haven't heard anything yet. Wish us luck!
Allergies - Poor Big A... He has the WORST allergies. Today grandma brought him to his baseball game and when I met him there it looked like he'd been playing in the dirt all day and crying the entire time. His face was streaked with black dirt and his eyes teared continuously. If there is one 'trait' I wish I hadn't passed on to him, it's allergies. Sorry, Buddy!
Bad Words Words That We Feel Are Inappropriate - Okay, so they may not be BAD per say (unless you count the occasional dammit or crap ("Mommy, is that how you say poo-poo in Spanish?") ) but they are definitely words that we have agreed we don't want to constantly hear in our home. Can you guess what they are? If you guessed POTTY WORDS, you're correct! EVERYTHING begins or ends with poo-poo! Did you know that for dinner tonight we had poo-poo hot dogs? Go figure! Unless it's a reflection on my cooking, I don't even know what a poo-poo hot dog is! I need advice here! How do I get the kids to stop saying potty words?
Tonight was one of those bad mommy nights... You know... The kind where you say things that you later regret and are feeling guilty as the kids are supposed to be going to sleep and in the end, what's done is done and there's nothing you can do to change it??? I HATE THAT!
Maybe tomorrow will be better.... *HEAVY SIGH*