But then your doctor, who has been treating her for chronic ear infections because her tubes are out of place, is on vacation...
So you go through the Kaiser processes and are told that someone will be calling you back but that in the meantime you need to find a CVS or a Rite Aid. In Laughlin, Nevada. Really? Have you ever BEEN to Laughlin, Nevada?
As I sat in the living room waiting for the doctor to call and searching the yellow pages (HOW did we ever survive before computers?!?!), I realized that while playing a game I'd downloaded on my phone, I'd seen an ad for a CVS app.
I tapped my App Store icon, typed CVS into my search page, downloaded the CVS app and had two pharmacy locations within seconds. Grandpa had taken the kids to Kingman, Arizona, for the day, so he was able to find said pharmacy and pick up the prescription that the WONDERFUL doctor called in for me. Thank goodness for iPhones, grandpas, one great Kaiser doc, and the CVS app!!
Interesting note... Turns out it was a Walgreen's ad I kept seeing, NOT a CVS ad. The fact that there was a CVS app was PURE LUCK!

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