For a year my kids have been asking, "Mommy, how long until Laughlin?" Well? It's FINALLY here! This year we're going to Disneyland after Laughlin, which Little A has been asking to do for a couple of years now. But do you know what? They don't care. When people ask where we're going on vacation do you know what my kids' response is? "LAUGHLIN! TO A FAMILY REUNION!" They LOVE this trip!!
I have to admit, I love this trip too. I really enjoy this time of bonding and catching up with family members I may not know well and usually only see once a year. But more than that, I love watching my kids make connections with these same family members. It continues to amaze me how open my kids are to forming these bonds and how touched they are by each and every one of the people there.
This year we moved the reunion from the Riverside to the Aquarius. The hotel is much nicer, but there isn't as much to do. That's not a problem per say, it just means that you have to do more walking. The kids' favorite attraction in Laughlin is the arcade at the Riverside, so at least once a day they made the short walk to the next hotel with Daddy or Grandpa or Carolyn. They also saw a movie with Auntie Marilee and Uncle Larry and took an afternoon trip to see the trains in Kingman, AZ, with Grandpa and Uncle Dennis.
Unfortunately for B, he had to spend a lot of time studying for the CSET while we were there. I felt bad for him, but it was lucky for me because it forced him to stay in the room with the kids at night and I was able to go out and mingle with family. Sorry, B!
The kids with Stoney and Melva... I REALLY enjoyed getting to know these two better this year. Please come for Easter??? PLEASE!?!?
And it's off to Disneyland in the morning! I feel like a little kid!
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