Four weeks ago we received a notice in the mail that our extended warranty was about to expire and asking if we wanted to extend it. We do not wish to extend it, but we DO want to take advantage of the time that we have left to get things fixed.
Three weeks ago we took our computer to the Geek Squad with the promise that it would be as good as new when it was returned to us.
Well... It certainly WAS as good as new! New like we'd JUST TAKEN IT OUT OF THE BOX!
According to B it worked fine when he brought it home from Best Buy on Friday afternoon but when I tried to use it Friday evening it froze and wouldn't do a darn thing. He messed around with it all weekend but today he ended up reinstalling everything so our computer thinks we just took it out of the package. It's SO frustrating! But hey... At least the CTRL key works!
Then there's my iPhone. My iPhone that worked FINE four days ago but now will not connect to Wi-Fi in the downstairs portion of my house. REALLY?? It works GREAT upstairs, but will not connect downstairs. And it's slow to respond. And the 'HOME' button isn't working correctly.
So back to Apple we go... And what do they tell us? It's fine! Give it two weeks and come back if you're still having problems.

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