Yesterday we had our 'party of the year' Easter party at Grandma and Grandpa's. As usual it was a *HUGE* hit! The kids ran and played and played and ran and the rain held off for the perfect amount of time.
My friend, Tracie, made these matching dresses for Little A and and three of her friends to wear to the party... TOO CUTE!

We saw eggs packed in all sorts of things from super padded boxes to playground balls filled with marshmallows... From wooden boxes to inside a box wrapped in bacon and suspended mid-box in nylons... And then there was Big A's... He pushed an egg down inside a jar of peanut butter and gave specific, written instructions on which way to hold the jar when it was dropped.
Little A pushed hers down inside a can of frosting (complete with sprinkles!). We taped the jar after the egg was inside and both frosting can and egg survived.
Check out this crowd! And this wasn't even everyone! We figure there were almost 200 people there. YIKES!

To wrap up the afternoon we were entertained by award winning children's recording artist, Tim Cain! There was singing and dancing and just plain fun going on here! The group of kids who sing along with him changes from year to year but there is one face that you'll always find there, and that's Little A. She LOVES him!
When the party was over we cleaned up and headed home around 8 o'clock. (Here's where I once again apologize to Theresa for not making it to dinner... I know we suck, but we just partied too long and too hard!) After a long, exhausting day all I wanted to do was go to bed but Easter Bunny duties called and alas I had to stay up and be a mom.

Must be molting season for bunnies, because we woke up to Easter Bunny fur all over our upstairs! Darn bunny! Thank goodness he also left all this cool stuff!!
We slowly (because we were all dragging a bit) got ready for church and headed out to the Easter pancake breakfast that the High School Youth Group puts on.

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