Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cute Kidisms

Little A while school clothes shopping at Kohls (If you didn't already know this, I HEART KOHLS!!!):

Grandma: "Come on, Little A. Let's go try these thing on."

Little A: "Oooh! Are we going in the dressing box?"

Little A in random conversation with Grandpa:

Little A - "I'm going on a vacation."

Grandpa - "Really? Where are you going?"

(Of course I'm thinking she's going to say camping...)

Little A - "I'm going on an airplane."

Grandpa (and Grandma and Mommy) - "You ARE??"

Little A - "Yes. I'm going on an airplane."

Grandpa - "Where are you going?"

Little A - "I'm leaving on an airplane and you won't see me anymore!"
Little A while singing in the car this week:

"Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top, when the wind blows, " *PAUSE* "This thing fall down."
Big A watching cows at the Auction Yard with Grandma and Grandpa:

There had been a grey cow in the ring and when that one left, a little brown cow came out.

Big A - "Grandma! THAT cow gives CHOCOLATE MILK!"

(Note to self: Talk less about Farmville in front of the kids...)
Big A while making a wish on a friend's 'wishing stone' (or was it a 'wishing rock'???):

Big A - "Can I please make a wish?"

Friend - "Well... What are you going to wish for?"

Big A - "You can't tell anyone your wish or it won't come true."

Friend - "Well, okay."

Big A ('now with wishing stone in his hands) - "I wish I had a John Deere Backhoe."

Friend - "Why don't you wish for something that could really happen? That won't ever happen but why don't you wish that if you lost something you'd find it?"

Big A ('still wish wishing stone in his hands) - "Okay, I know!" *PAUSE* *Now Whispering in my ear* "Mommy, how do I make a wish???"

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