Thursday, July 23, 2009

Surgery Day...

Because many of you have asked (and I know... I STILL haven't posted camping pictures but I promise I will!), here is a surgery day recap...

Today was the big day! Big A had his tonsils and adenoids out and Little A got tubes in her ears.

We got to the hospital at 6:30 this morning and checked in. The kids changed into hospital jammies (Big A's looked like little scrubs... TOO CUTE!), a nurse did their vitals and they were off to the play room. Grandma and Grandpa showed up and played with them in the play room and gave them a ride in the transport wagon in the hall.

They took Little A upstairs a little before 7:30 and took her into surgery around 7:45.

By 8:00 she was out and they had just called me back to be with her when they brought Big A upstairs. I kissed him goodbye in the hall and went to be with Little A. He went into surgery around 8:10, was out around 8:45 and I was taken back to him at 9:00. While he was in surgery I got Little A settled in recovery with Daddy and then headed back upstairs to wait for Big A. Let me tell you... Coordinating where to be when and with who, etc. was easier than I thought but still not easy.
Big A was brought downstairs to recovery around 9:30. By then Little A was ready to get out of bed and play! Big A slept for about an hour and then we woke him up and got him ready to go home.
But not before taking a ride down the hall to Pathology to check out Big A's tonsils and adenoids. We couldn't bring them home with us because they don't release tissue, but we did get to look at them!
Both are home now and recovering on their respective couches (or at least NEAR their couches in the case of Little A...). I'm a little concerned that Big A hasn't had any pain yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED but I'm wondering what it will be like tonight or in a couple of days (Dr. Z said that Saturday and Sunday will be much worse than today and tomorrow).
Thanks to everyone for their prayers, offers to help, meals, etc. Rebekah and Curtis, dinner was AWESOME and the kids are loving their puppies! Thank you!
We sure have an awesome support system!

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