Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pre Surgery Stories, Post Surgery

Before I begin, let me just give everyone a little post-surgery update... The kids are doing GREAT! Little A has been cleared for take-off and does not need to be seen again for 6 months. She has to use tubes in any water except a chlorinated swimming pool, but that's nothing. Her hearing is PERFECT and she can even hear when you whisper in her ear!

Big A is doing well... He has one more week of resting and non-strenuous activity (why do doctors think that play dates are safe and soccer practices are not? Have they SEEN my son play with his friends???) before he's cleared. He has his ups and downs but usually only takes one dose of medicine per day. Sometimes it's regular Tylenol and sometimes it's the 'sleepy medicine' depending on how he appears to be doing but I tell you what... The kid is going stir crazy!

Anyhow, before the kids had their surgeries, I had a couple of 'blog-worthy' stories to share but I just never got around to so here goes...


Shortly after the kids found out about their surgeries, Big A started questioning me about 'midnight'. Every night when I'd put him to bed he'd say to me, "Mommy, is it midnight?" The conversation would go something like this:

Me - "No, it's not. It's 7:30."

Big A - "Will you tell me when it's midnight?"

Me - "Oh, sweetie... You'll be asleep when it's midnight. We'll ALL be asleep when it's midnight."

Big A - "Oh."

Finally after about a week of having this SAME conversation EVERY night, I asked Big A why he wanted to know if it was midnight.

His answer? "Because I can't have anything to drink after midnight."

I didn't realize he'd been listening so closely to my conversation with Dr. Z's medical assistant, but apparently he was. He knew that he wasn't supposed to eat after midnight. The part he missed? That it was only the night before his surgery that he wasn't supposed to eat after midnight. TOO CUTE!

Big A had to have some blood work done prior to his surgery so the Monday before the surgery date we had an appointment at the hospital to do the pre-op paperwork and to get the blood work done.

Now I'm completely honest with the kids. I tell them how it's going to be, what's going to happen, what to expect, etc. I do this for every doctor appointment, and I always have (even when they were 2 weeks old!). I don't overdo it, I just tell them the truth and let them ask as many questions as they want... And the truth hurts! Oh wait... No, the SHOTS hurt.

Before Big A's appointment I told him that they were going to stick a little needle in his arm to get some blood, etc. Of course he was NOT happy about this but we talked about it and I told him about all the times I've had blood work done, and eventually he was okay with it.

The night before his appointment I reminded him that I'd meet him at my work the next day to go to the appointment, etc. He asked me more about his surgery and about the blood work and as I was tucking him in he said to me, "Mommy, am I going to die?"

HUH!?!?! Talk about completely taken aback! I was shocked for a second and then responded, "NO! Of course not, Honey! Is that what you think? Have you been worrying about this?"

He assured me had not and that the thought had just occurred to him, but talk about one of those bad mommy moments! More like... SAD mommy moments! Poor kid! Maybe I shouldn't be so honest....

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