This week the kids had the opportunity to hang out with their cousins (Thanks, Daddy, for letting us stay!). Six cousins, seven cousins, nine cousins; Cousins EVERYWHERE! Up and out with the sun each morning and rolling in at dusk each evening... Lounging on couches and chairs and floors... Legos spread all over... Dart guns, rubberband guns and wooden guns... Balls, bikes and backpacks galore... Shoes laying everywhere and crumbs covering the floors... I think we used more toilet paper in a week than we have in the past two months...

Two tents for five kids to have a camp-out which in the end was three kids in one tent and two kids in bunk beds in the back room. I'm proud to say that my kiddos successfully spend their first (of many to come!) night in the back yard! A big THANK YOU to cousin Tyler for sleeping out with them!

Sydney and I spent an evening getting haircuts from the oldest of the cousins, and while Syd was playing with her new do she syled Little A's hair, too! Surprisingly enough, the curls stayed in all day!

And what do the boy cousins do while the girl cousins shop? SWIM, of course! The only problem with this plan is that now the kids ask me every day if we can go to the city pool! Grandpa?
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