Two weeks ago my mom and I took the kids to Los Angeles to visit with my grandma. While driving along I-5 we saw a truck carrying what looked to me like stakes for holding trees up. Big A saw the truck out the window and said, “MOMMY! Do you see that truck with the giant toothpicks?”

The next morning in the hotel room, we had a USA Today laying on the desk. Big A took one look at this picture…

And said, “Mommy, which one of those guys is President Kennedy?”
You can imagine my surprise at THAT question. I asked him how he knew one of them was President Kennedy and he said, “Because he’s on the space show I watch at Grandma and Grandpa’s.”
DAMN! That kid is TOO smart!
That same morning we took my Grandma to the doctor. There were 6 of us following the nurse down the hall and Big A, after observing the office clientele, said to my mom, “Grandma, is this doctor only for old people?”
Never a dull moment with Big A!!
Next time I'll post more pictures from our trip.