Big A and Little A started school this week. Big A is in Junior Kindergarten and Little A is in 2 Day Preschool. According to the cut-off date in the state of California, Big A is old enough to start kindergarten this year. We, on the other hand, were not so sure. We feel that we made the right choice by keeping Big A out of elementary school for one more year.
The school the kids attend has an awesome Junior Kindergarten program which, because of such huge changes in the state standards, teaches the things that B and I learned in kindergarten (which is now more like first grade was when we were in school).
Big A LOVES his new class and comes home every day saying, "SCHOOL WAS GREAT!" Little A wasn't supposed to be able to start school until October 2, but because of some changes in the school programs and classes, she was able to start this week. She was THRILLED but is more excited by snack than anything else. That makes perfect sense since the most common thing to come out of her mouth is, "I'm hungry!"

They look too cute! Glad they had a good first day! :)
how preppy and cute they are! Nice school fashion statments they both made!!
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