Ah, Mother's Day... A day to celebrate the one who gave you life and to be celebrated by the ones to whom you gave life. In our house that consisted of breakfast in bed (scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, coffee, juice and milk), fresh flowers, lots of cards and homemade gifts and enjoying being together.
It's so easy to take life for granted... You go about your everyday routine knowing that you'll wake up tomorrow and do it all over again until *POOF*! One day that changes...
In my new normal I want to learn to enjoy every minute... To not hold grudges... To stop and smell the roses... To spend every second with my family that I can... It's hard... Change is hard... I'm a work in progress!
I want to thank my mom for all she does for me and all she has yet to do for me. She is there for me in my lowest of lows and my highest of highs. She is my teacher, my mentor, my shoulder to cry on, my outlet for frustration, and my best friend. Mom, you mean the world to me, and I love you SO much. THANK YOU, for being my mom!
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