Last night the kids and I were driving home from ice cream when we saw a homeless man with his 'possessions'. Typically when I see homeless people they have a shopping cart or a small rolling cart or something along those lines... Not this man.
This man had two rolling carts, four or five large suitcases and a some other miscellaneous 'stuff' (it was dark and I didn't want to stare). He would roll some of the stuff up about 100 feet then go get another load and so on. He was literally taking 5 or 6 trips every 100 feet. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what he was going to do when he got to the corner.
What struck me about this is the amount of stuff the man had. It was as if he had just left his home with all that he could possibly carry, and moved on with his life.
And it made me think... First and foremost it led to a discussion between the kids and me about how lucky we are to have what we have, followed by a prayer for the man, and then a scary feeling came over me... It scared me to think that this could happen to so many people with the economy the way it is... Not just 'poor' people, but people who have jobs that they thought were secure and good. People who have clothes on their backs and food on their tables. People like YOU and ME... YIKES!

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