Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Note From A Friend

Tuesdays are probably my least favorite day of the week... Tuesdays are my back to reality days... Tuesdays start my work week.

Tuesday mornings are busy... People want things and they want them yesterday NOW, last week's projects are waiting to be finished, my inbox is filled to capacity, there are stacks of checks to be rung in, phone messages and emails need to be responded to, etc. To top it off, today was the first of the month and those of you who work in accounting type jobs know what that means! Needless to say, I always approach Tuesdays with a bit of caution and my coworkers always approach me with a little caution. (I promise I won't bite!)

This morning I arrived at work, turned on my computer, and grabbed the pile out of my inbox. As I shuffled and organized papers, my computer slowly awakened from it's three day slumber and promptly displayed my 27 unread email messages. I was scanned the list to see where to begin, and an email caught my eye that was from a friend who used to work in an office down the hall from us. I figured she was just saying hi and checking in so I clicked on her email first.

Imagine my surprise (and what a GREAT way to start my Tuesday) when I read the following words...

Just letting you know:

1. I was reading your blog again today

2. I think you're such a great mom

3. You give me great ideas to copy all the time

4. You help me when I'm bored at work

5. I love your kids, even though I've never met them

6. I think you are such a fortunate, lucky girl to have such a great family

7. And I'm thinking of you today

Such simple words in a quick note, but SO powerful!

Janette, THANK YOU! You made my Tuesday! (And by the way... I think you're a great mom, too! I could never do what you do!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks Amy!
I meant every word